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- Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social - Professionals - Travel and COVID

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- PCR tests to travel to Spain: What to know before arriving 

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Book your Antigen or PCR Test now. Including European Digital Certificate. Todas las lineas aéreas exigen un test de PCR con certificado QR.    


Do i need to take a pcr test to travel to spain. Traveling to Spain during Covid-19: What you need to know before you go


To explain more about the required COVID tests for entry to Spain, this article outlines what travellers should have ready on arrival. It details:. The Health Control Form can be completed online in around 5 minutes.

Travellers need to provide their:. A QR code is generated on completion of the form. Passengers must scan the code on arrival. A new form must be filled out before every trip to Spain. Third-country nationals with a valid vaccination or recovery certificate can travel to Spain without a PCR or antigen test result.

Most other passengers are required to take a PCR test or antigen test before travelling to Spain. The test result must be negative. The following travellers do not need a negative antigen or PCR test to enter Spain:. Passengers who arrive in Spain from the UK must have one of the following documents :. These must be taken within the given time frame and must show a negative result. The result certificates will only be accepted if they are written in either English, Spanish, German or French.

All other languages are not currently accepted. A vaccination certificate is not mandatory to enter Spain. However, passengers with proof of vaccination are exempt from pre-departure testing. Departing passengers can take a fast PCR, antigen or seratological test at 1some airports before flying out of the country.

Passengers who wish to use this service must check it is operational in advance. By using our website you accept our Cookies Policy. Click here , to know more. I agree. It details: Who may and may not travel to Spain under the current rules. Trravel restrictions in the EU and Spain. Whether it is possible to get a test at the airport when arriving in Spain.

Passengers with a COVID vaccination certificate booster required if vaccination was completed more than days before Passengers with a COVID recovery certificate issued at least 11 days after a positive test result Children under the age of 6 Deadheading crew.


Travelling to Spain in Spring Entry Rules Explained - - COVID-19 FAQs

  Jun 02,  · If you are a citizen of Spain and planning to visit other countries, you should perform PCR testing in Barcelona, Spain before leaving for the country. You can check for visa eligibility using Visa Checker Tool before planning a trip. Apply now. Mar 31,  · COVID test for travel to Spain if not vaccinated If you are not vaccinated, or do not have the complete vaccination regimen, you must present a negative PCR test or similar (NAAT type) performed within 72 hours prior to travel or an antigen test performed within 24 hours prior to your arrival in Spain. a negative COVID test: either a PCR taken within 72 hours prior to departure, or an antigen test taken within 24 hours prior to departure. See ‘If .    


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